You may have questions and we have answers:
Is this school approved?
Yes, we are approved by the Bureau for private postsecondary vocational education, as an educational institution and by the State board of barbering and cosmetology (both state agencies). The Bureau’s approval means that the institution and its operation comply with the minimum standards established under the law for occupational instruction by private postsecondary educational institutions CEC and 5, CCR. Approval does not imply any endorsement or recommendation by the state or by the Bureau.
Do you offer federal student financial aid?
No we do not participate in Title IV funding.
Do you offer any other kind of financial aid?
Yes, we offer a student academic achievement award for cosmetology and barber programs only. WIA, a third party agency which funds may be available to you when you meet their requirements.
How do I pay for my tuition if loans and federal student financial aid are not available?
We offer monthly installments payable for the duration of your contract.
Can I obtain the state license even if I have no social security number?
Yes, the State board approved the issuance of the license in January 1st, 2015 to those student graduates with the ITN card and a governmental identification, such a driver’s license.
If my first language is Spanish, can I take classes and the State license exam in my first language?
Yes, we offer classes in Spanish, textbooks and the State exam is offered in Spanish.
Is employment placement assistance available?
Yes, our placement representative will set interviews with your prospect employer, however we do not guarantee employment, it is up to you to obtain it.
How long has the school been in existence?
We opened in June 01, 1994.